Thursday, June 30, 2011

Only this man could make violins and britney spears badass!

Thursday, June 30, 2011 1

I forgot how much I love some of the smiths songs

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sometimes you just want to strangle a bitch

Wednesday, June 29, 2011 0

OMD one of the great new wave bands

Unemployed and Confused

Almost at my wits end. Don't have any money nothing new but still. Girlfriend has been possessed by snatchitis and is avoiding me as if I just did some unforgivable act. I couldn't be any more susceptible to a full blown breakdown. The past couple have been sort a slow motion downward spiral. Part of me just wants to disconnect but I still want to seek more fulfillment if that is at all possible. I suppose its time to really answer important questions. I'm aware that I've let myself slip, but hopefully this doesn't continue. I haven't had a job for a while now, which I'm not sure is a bad or good thing. Its refreshing to not be subject to the constant demands of a job, but then again I feel idle and unworthy. Until lately not working has been a complete blessing as I did the things I enjoy, but now its like I'm avoiding the daily struggle that is custom to many. I guess I fear I might lose the boost unemployment can bring, and having the bs of a job weigh me down. Any Suggestions?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How to fail at a job interview

Tuesday, June 28, 2011 0
Currently looking for a job, but not exactly anxious to began working again. I already had one interview at a telecommunications company, which didn't go well. I didn't dress that professional wearing my favorite paint smeared hat, an underarmour sweatshirt, and khakis. Not really wanting the job I impatiently wait for my interview seriously thinking about bailing. I finally get my interview from a easygoing young man not much older. The interview questions were basic, and although not giving much of a care I maintain an amiable conversation. I didn't really answer the questions that well, but didn't make an ass of myself yet. After only about five questions and a little chit chat its seems that hes considering me for the job to my surprise. Then I decide to ruin any chance after not answering the last question well by saying "I'm sorry I'm not giving a good interview, I've just been having a bad day." Apparently these idiotic words were the demise of any chance of employment. Two weeks later after wondering if I ever was going to begin training I receive a letter informing me that I didn't get the position. Back to the drawing board.

My First Blog

I need blogger friends. This is all new to me, but its something I thought I'd try. I thought maybe I can write something worth reading, but maybe I'm delusional. All I hope is that the blogging world is more interesting than facebook.
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