Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Unemployed and Confused

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Almost at my wits end. Don't have any money nothing new but still. Girlfriend has been possessed by snatchitis and is avoiding me as if I just did some unforgivable act. I couldn't be any more susceptible to a full blown breakdown. The past couple have been sort a slow motion downward spiral. Part of me just wants to disconnect but I still want to seek more fulfillment if that is at all possible. I suppose its time to really answer important questions. I'm aware that I've let myself slip, but hopefully this doesn't continue. I haven't had a job for a while now, which I'm not sure is a bad or good thing. Its refreshing to not be subject to the constant demands of a job, but then again I feel idle and unworthy. Until lately not working has been a complete blessing as I did the things I enjoy, but now its like I'm avoiding the daily struggle that is custom to many. I guess I fear I might lose the boost unemployment can bring, and having the bs of a job weigh me down. Any Suggestions?


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