Friday, July 1, 2011

10 reasons why you might be a brainwashed zombie

Friday, July 1, 2011
1. You stare blankly completely space out for an extended period of time
2. You watch are excited when "So you think you can dance" appears on the tv
3. A majority of your thoughts center around  "I'd have sex with her/him"
4. Your always waiting for that next buzz or high wait a minute thats a line from intervention
5. Fox News is the biggest contributor to your beliefs granted they do have hotty anchors
6. Your conversations end in a abrupt pause
7. Believe in democracy (The country is now control by Reptilian assholes or at least according to David Icke)
8. Thought insert formulaic blockbuster here was a good movie

9. Actually think antidepressants work
10. Think the lyrics to katy perry are clever or catchy


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